VOL- 5 ; ISSUE- 5, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
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VOL- 5 ; ISSUE- 5, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
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VOL- 5 ; ISSUE- 5, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
This paper focuses on studying various symbols
used by Ruskin Bond in his writings. In his narrative, the beautifully woven
symbols flow naturally and their impact can be felt on the characters as they
act as a communion between man, God and nature. Delving deep in his works it
can be noted that his entire corpus is embellished with rich symbols and
imagery. The paper intends to explore certain characters, objects, places and
incidents beyond their literal insight.
Symbolist, nature symbol, worldly symbol
VOL- 5 ; ISSUE- 5, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
the weightiness of vocabulary, exploring the relevance of significant
word-hoard picking methods, and the degree of helpfulness of varied strategies
in boosting up the treasure trove of lexicon are discussed in this piece of
Key Words: The Deficiency of Vocabulary-Incidental
Learning-Explicit Instruction-Etymology-Mnemonics.
VOL- 5 ; ISSUE- 5, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
In simple words, feminism can be defined as a
movement which is focused at the liberation of female, giving them equal
opportunity, and a voice to speak out for their own rights. The works of Shashi
Deshpande depict the rapid evolution of the new Indian female, the advancement
of her novels and different character portrayals reflect apprehend the rapid
social and cultural changes which have been taking place in modern India as a
result of fast economic development and expansion. In one of her finest novels
Roots and Shadows, published in 1982, portrays an unforgettable Indian woman
character Indu. She is a strong, intelligent, educated urban female who speak
out, introspect and present her individuality without caring the traditional
and conventional norms of the society. This paper aims at studying the feminist
tradition in Deshpande’s works and analyses female consciousness as a living
inspiration with special reference to the novel Roots and Shadows.
Key Words: Female
Consciousness, Patriarchy, Submissive, Identity, Sexual Harassment.
VOL- 5 ; ISSUE- 5, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
The language laboratory plays an important
role in learning language. Language lab provides facility to enhance the
communication skills of the students. Today’s world requires a student who is
good in English. It is the communication media which is needed for our students
to advance their careers. It has a number of facilities to help the student to
learn the language and to communicate proficiently. By taking this into
Consideration every College have also started Language Lab. The language
laboratory is an audio or audio-visual installation used as an aid
in modern language teaching. The next generation digital language
labs allow teachers to monitor, control, deliver, group, display, review and
collect, audio, video and web based multimedia content.
Key Words: Language
Laboratory, English Language Teaching.
VOL- 5 ; ISSUE- 5, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
English is a West Germanic language that
originated from Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Britain in the mid 5th to 7th
centuries AD by Anglo-Saxon settlers from what is now northwest Germany, west Denmark
and the Netherlands, displacing the Celtic languages that previously
predominated. English is the third most commonly spoken language in the world
today with upwards of 360 million first language speakers, a further 375
million for whom English is a second language and many non-native speakers
worldwide. The English literature has developed over the course of more than
1,400 years. The history of the English language has traditionally been divided
into three main periods: Old English (450-1100 AD), Middle English (1100-circa
1500 AD) and Modern English which began in the late 15th century with the
introduction of the printing press to London and the King James Bible as well
as the Great Vowel Shift. This article is focused on historical development of English-language
literature rather than the literature of England, so that it includes writers
from Scotland, Wales, and the whole of Ireland, as well as literature in
English from countries of the former British Empire, including the United
States. However, until the early 19th century, it only deals with the
literature of the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Key Words:
English, Language, Literature, History, Development, Journey.
VOL- 5 ; ISSUE- 5, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
The novel of Arundhati Roy entitled The God of
Small Things is one of the most famous Indian English novels which goes on to
win the Booker prize and thus it becomes hugely popular throughout India as
well as abroad. Roy has beautifully presented the characters of females in
realistic manner and also exposes the realities of lives of the Indian people.
The society that we live in is largely patriarchal and thus it regards females
as merely playthings. Roy also talks about this aspect. So, the novel is a
wonderful attempt from Roy to satirise the contemporary Indian society and its
people along with the other elements like untouchability, treatment to females
and the patriarchal nature of the society. She has exposed the brutality of the
males against the females even in the modern India.
Key words:
Patriarchal Society, Females, Males, Untouchability, India, Realities of the
People, Modern.
VOL- 5 ; ISSUE- 5, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
paper is about the play called Procession written by the famous playwright
Badal Sircar. Most of the plays of Badal Sircar are based on the concept of
Third Theatre and among than the best known plays are: Bhoma, Procession, State
News etc. The present play, Procession is the most famous play of Sircar. This
play covers the concept of ‘real home’ or we can say ‘a real way of living’ in
the contemporary world which is full of different types of deviations and
corruptions. He seems to give a message to these people about their rights. Moreover,
Sircar has rightly ridiculed the people who are money minded, selfish and who
only value materials or wealth. This play is full of the corruption and the
morality that one has in our society. Let us try to understand this by the
following discussion.
Key words: Real Home, Corruption, Third Theatre, New
generation, Old generation, Police, Society.