VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
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VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
the collapse of colonialism writers heralding from the erstwhile colonies are
in search of their national and cultural identity that seems to have been lost
in the aftermath of the colonial encounter. Ngugi Wa Thiong’o, an African
writer believes that a people’s search for their identity must accept the past,
the present and the future as an integral part of each other. He tries to
reclaim Africa’s past to understand the present and reform the future. In my
paper, I have made a study of how Ngugi evokes the past, the present and the
future history of Africa in a continuum thereby unfolding the historical
consciousness through his female characters that I have accordingly grouped as,
Traditionalist; Christian and Christian converts and the Rebels with reference
to two of his novels A Grain Of Wheat and Petals of Blood. These three
categories reflect the three stages of the African history i.e. the pre-
colonial era; the colonial stage and the post colonial stage through which
Ngugi explores the issue of true liberation.
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
Theatre is one of the finest medium to communicate and
educate the people. Federico Garcia Lorca was a highly respected poet, writer
and a playwright of the twentieth century Spanish Literature. This paper
entitled “Federico Garcia Lorca: An Introduction to Eternal Spain” analyses the
author’s genial means of creating theatre, which was totally bound up with the
process of creating a better society. It provides reflections and responses to
the social, political and economic condition of his country by conveying his
experiences through a vehicle that is particularly personal and individual. He
points out the existential crisis faced by the fellow human beings and
signifies that through this medium they can rectify their follies and can be
educated. This study also involved in the view point of discussing the various
dramatic works of Lorca, his style and intense interest in his home land, its
people and its culture. Literature not only reflects the society but it also
portrays what is life and it guides the people in the right path. It not only
delights the people but also educates them in a proper way.
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
At present, translation has gained much importance in the transmission of culture and custom of one country to another country. The spread of colonization evoked an urge in the literary aspirants to explore the diversity in the literary exposition across the world. Generally a translator needs to be proficient in the source language and the target language. Apart from that the translator has to continue the work with a psychological approach. The linguistic and the formalistic features of the novel are to be analyzed prior to the translation. First of all; the crux of the story is to be understood. Apart from the settings, character and the language, the translator has to consider other features like the individual part of the text, the tone, the point of view and the diction. In the post-modern novel the language has been used both in a general and in an experimental form. Translation is not only a linguistic activity but it also maintains the linguistic unity among the different states. Apart from the translation of fiction, the other genres of literature also contribute much for the transmission of the historical, social, economical and political saga of a country to another country.
Keywords:- National Integration, multilingualism, cultural transmission, cultural ambassador, settings, characters, language
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
The paper, The Post-Colonial Aspect of Sri Guru Granth Sahib, as the name indicates, reviews the central religious text of Sikhism Sri Guru Granth Sahib, in post-colonial context. The paper studies the themes and hyms of this Holy Scripture as an agitation against the pre-established religions and their orthodox ideas of cast, creed and hierarchy. Redemption as the main theme of Sri Guru Granth Sahib further fulfills the post-colonial idea of independence. Here in this scripture we observe a freedom struggle against conventionalism, fanaticism and intolerance.
paper in its second phase studies and supports the post-colonial aspects of Sri
Guru Granth Sahib, with a view that most of the contributing poets of the book
were the men of the soil. A number of them were illiterate who wrote from heart
and spirit than intellect. The very concept of their compositions was to expose
the hollow intellectualisms that finally lead to socio-moral deterioration. The
involvement of poets like bhats, jaats and cobblers and farmers directly
showers its post-colonial fervour...
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
Parsi is a religious community which is a group of followers in India of the Iranian prophet Zoroaster. Over the centuries since the first Zoroastrians arrived in India, the Parsis have integrated themselves into Indian society while simultaneously maintaining or developing their own distinct customs and traditions along with their peculiar ethnic identity. Cyrus Mistry’s Sultan Padamsee’s award-winning play Doongaji House written in 1978 is an epitome of parsi community where the tradition of the old Parsi theatre of colonial India with ethnicity are the key features of this play. Though Doongaji House is a dilapidated building full of old Parsis and aging single women, it emphasizes on the Parsi community with their peculiar cultural ethnicity. Doongaji House itself stands as a metaphor for the Parsi community as a whole which is under threat of extinction.
Key Words: Parsi Community, Ethnicity
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
Coco Chanel, a French designer, says, "Women have always been the strong
ones of the world. The men are always seeking from a woman a little pillow to
put their heads down on. They are always longing for the mother who held them
as the infants ", the world of men is incomplete without the woman because
she is the half part of their life without knowing them. The woman is the
reflection of man, in which he realizes and knows better himself, though she
has no right to speak and express her opinion. So Bette Davis says," When
a man gives her opinion, he is a man, when a woman gives her opinion, she is a
bitch." Why this discrimination? If she bears his children ,she looks
after everyone ,she supports him at home and outside ,she is always under the
pressure of his hatred and terror ,why this ? He always proves he is strong and
powerful than her and how she is weak and fragile, though we are prancing off
that we are globalized and modern.
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
It is
a well-established fact that language is the most important tool of
communication. Generally, we can communicate easily and effectively in our
mother tongue (MT) but if we talk about English which is our second language
(L2) and which is used in very restricted domains create problem among
students. As English Language teacher, people have different notions about
which of the two concepts is more important and which needs to be emphasised in
our classes. A grammar of forms makes us familiar with the grammatical
structures and rules designed to show the systems and subsystems of a language
work. But a grammar of functions puts together (i) the grammatical structures
of a language, and (ii) how these grammatical structures and rules can be used
by a variety of people in a variety of situations for interpersonal and
organisational communication. Some teachers argues that study of forms makes it possible for the learner to
understand how the language is built while others believe that too much focus
on form can block communicative competence and it affects the function. The
present research paper aims to investigate the role of form versus function in
English teaching and tries to emphasise that as language teachers, we should be
able to explore along with our students not only grammar of forms but also
grammar of functions.
Keywords- Mother Tongue, L2, Communicative competence
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
Gaskell (1810-1865), a much ignored Victorian woman novelist, has been
revisited with new visions in the recent years bringing forth the feminist,
political and social significance of her writings. Gaskell’s Mary Barton (1848)
represents contemporary realism and social concern typifying the ‘Women
Question’ and the life of marginalized working class people. In her novels
Gaskell imparts important roles to women characters in the public sphere and
social production refuting the traditional Victorian domestic ideology. This
research is an attempt to explore the novel in the light of socialist feminism
by seeking a link between Gaskell’s address to ‘Woman Question’ and her address
to the social problem of ‘Class Conflict’. The interconnection between ‘Woman
Question’ and ‘Class Conflict’ makes Socialist Feminist perspective an apt tool
to examine this novel as Gender and Class are the two integral halves of
Socialist Feminist Theory.
Key Words: Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Barton, Woman Question, Socialist Feminism, Gender and Class.
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
and modern technology has brought significant changes in almost every field. Especially
while talking about adopting modern technology in classroom teaching. It has
revolutionalized and brought a complete transformation in the traditional
methods of teaching and learning. The concept of digital classroom popularly
known as Smart Class helps in teaching through digital instruction material, 3D
animated modules and videos proved to be a benchmark in modern era. Now the
students are thrilled at the concept of innovative and interactive learning
process. This resulted not only in better concept framing and better education
but in the level of enhanced performance as well. Digital classroom system
understands the requirement of the students and provides them with latest
learning solutions through the use of digital instruction material ;use of
projectors etc. by making the learning process a pleasurable one. This digital
initiative is rapidly changing the age old teaching and learning methodology in
a more improved manner.
Revolution, Transformation, Digital classroom, Interactive Learning Process,
Concept framing, Enhanced- performance.
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
Communication constitutes the lifeline of every business. The world’s business depends on transactions and relationships, both of which find expression through communication. It also helps to reinforce professional and business relations. Everyday business dealings and the ordinary activities of business would not be possible without written communication. For a continuing success, a clear insight into the varied dimensions of business communication is a must. Professionals such as administrators, scientists, business executives and engineers write to interact, to inform, to find out, to influence, to regulate, to entertain and to record for varied purposes. The importance of business writing for any professional lies in the fact that a number of business decisions and research conclusions are made on the basis of information presented or recommendations made in the draft. Its significance has increased with growing changes in the modern life. As technical communication has both communication side and technical side, one needs to establish credibility as a communicator and as a technologist. The present paper focuses on how technical writing must be clearly worked and developed to avoid confusing its audience.
Keywords: Language, Communication,
Writing, Technical, Audience
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
The Man Booker winner British author Julian Barnes’ novel The Sense of an Ending is an 11th endeavor. The novel appears to be full of mysteries, memories and self-deception. The story opens up with the human struggle and missed opportunities. The Ending seems to be an ambiguous semantic note. It is a pacy thriller and a bildungsroman. The next novel Bring Up the Bodies deals with medieval historical framework. It’s a sequel to a 2009 Man Booker Prize winning novel Wolf Hall which later constitutes a trilogy and bags another Booker Prize. Mantel’s re-telling makes the events terrifying even to its modern readers. The novel is full of ironies. It is termed as a darkly magnificent sequel.
Keywords: Meritocratic, anarchistic, ending, thriller, bildungsroman, self-deception; Henry III, Catharine of Argon, Anne Boleyn, Roman Church, authority of Pope, Tudor Age, Thomas Cromwell.
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
The Present paper investigates Bapsi Sidhwa (1939) and
Bharati Mukherjee (1940) is the novelists of Pakistani and Indian Diaspora. A
comparative study traces, analyses and criticizes comparable elements between
these Third world, expatriate, immigrant and diasporic writers. It also
examines the contrastive features that these two writers have in order to
illuminate their individual genius as comparative studies not only include
comparable/ analogical elements but also contrastive elements too. Their
creative odyssey kept them identical in exploring the complexities of their
choicest theme of expatriate and immigrant experience with journey as a quest
motif. Their protagonists are all women who are lonely as an island in an alien
land to assimilate or negate the values of the alien culture with physical and
psychological violence.
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
Novelist and short story writer Ben Okri uses nightmarish
images and fantastic twists of reality to portray the bizarre social and
political conditions inside his native Nigeria. Nigeria has the largest
population of any country in Africa, but it has not had a stable government for
more than 30 years. The Nigeria Okri describes is dark and often violent and
chaotic. Drawing on his childhood memories and imagination, he creates an
atmosphere of an African village that lingers in the reader's mind. Okri's
fictional world is fraught with violence, corruption, death, ghosts, and
legends through which in his Booker prize winning novel The Famished Road, Okri
further appropriates to translate the violence of civil war into a symbolic
form. Okri took inspiration from the work of Amos Tutuola who, in turn, had
borrowed many supernatural elements from Yoruban oral narratives. Both in The Famished Road and the
following two novels within the trilogy Songs of Enchantment and Infinite
Riches, there is a move towards a mythical causality that reconceptualises
modes of characterization and the relationship between environment and
characters. In his works such as Incidents at the Shrine, Songs of Enchantment,
and 1991's Booker-McConnell prize-winner The Famished Road, his characters
become mixed up with supernatural elements to the extent that the real is
indistinguishable from the imaginary. Based on the abstract given and with the
following paper entitled “Mysticism and Magical Realism as Aesthetics of
Necessity In Ben Okri’s Writings” Okri examines the roots of political turmoil
of Nigeria and searches for solutions to its present problems.
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
English as a language, rather as a second language has
pervaded and acquired the
prestigious status of official language
in most of the countries today
.Known as the ‘Queen’s Language’ during British reign, English, in the
present era has become the language of the common man ;thanks to
globalization. Be it any arena, whether professional, technical, medical or
business, spoken and written English have become crucial for sustenance as well
as one of the major parameters of success. Gone are the days when acquisition
of knowledge was considered sufficient to be successful. Today, it has become
more important to showcase your abilities; which can be done only through
effective communicative skills. In India English is taught more as a subject
than as a skill, especially till standard twelve. This practice inhibits their
real communicative abilities from coming to the fore.
Later on when they go to the colleges for higher studies they face immense difficulties. The diversities in their cultural and educational backgrounds, differences in their traditions, attitudes and perspectives magnifies and multiplies this problem further, creating more pitfalls and obstacles. If effective communication skills open ample gateways for the students at the same time lack of it may even close many doors. Although these skills come naturally to its native speakers, imbibing or developing these skills is quite a tedious and challenging affair for both the teachers and the students where English is a second language. In this paper I have made an attempt to address the challenges faced by the students as well as the teachers in this context and discussed certain measures to overcome these barriers.
Key Words: Effective communication, Vernaculars, teaching learning
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
Esquivel, a woman of versatile genius and achievements, is one of the
contemporary and the most prolific Mexican women novelists of the twentieth
century. Esquivel merged folk stories, magical realism, culinary elements,
sensuality and strong Hispanic feminist perspective in her writing by
individualizing her style and story. Laura Esquivel has amalgamated Mexican
women’s chronicle in her works through the optic of a prior linked always with
the present; women’s critical role in the survival of communities through food
preparation, knowledge of ecology, natural healing and women’s confrontations
with collective and individual trauma.
This paper entitled “Laura Esquivel: An Unparalleled Mexican” analyses Laura Esquivel’s progressive rebellion of the concept “New Man”. On the other hand it expresses how the author foregrounds an abstract idea of New Man in her novels. The New Man is the prototypical individual could be identified as neither man nor woman but represents wholeness and unity of the human community as well as the gendered stigmas of the past and the present. To put in other words, this unique term reveals the remedy for the individual and society to reconcile from the atrocities of cultural heritage. Through this creative concept, Esquivel inspires human how to accomplish mental balance and imparts certain facts regarding resiliency. On the whole, this paper integrates the positive attitudes to the reader’s community by explicating such empowering roles.
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
novels thus not only constitute an impressive segment of the Indian English
novel but also sum up the saga of India’s struggle for freedom and the changes
it has brought about in the traditional social set-up in India. Sahgal is
unique in her artistic sensibility as well as in her particular manner of
projecting national consciousness. All the novelists write in their own way and
style. They reveal their thoughts, experiences and sharp vision in day-to-day
life of the people in their novels as per their own convictions. Nayantara
Sahgal has also constructed her views in her novels. Sahgal’s novels present an
authentic picture of India before and after independence. She considers her
novels political in content and intention and in her view; each of the novels
more or less reflects the political era we were passing through. The use of
political genre is one of the main aspects of her novels, the others being the
exploration of the religious theme and the problems of women in contemporary
society. Though Sahgal has been hailed chiefly as a political novelist, her
feminist concern is obvious and her fighter spirit quite vocal in her fiction.
In all her works, there is a juxtaposition of two worlds: the personal world of
man-woman relationship and the impersonal world of politics.
Key Words- Political, Politics, Nayantara Sahgal.
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
Feminism plays an imperative function in
Ice Candy Man. It is the key aspects of this novel and by this it caricatures
the importance of feminism and the unique position of women in the world. Bapsi
Sidhwa has portrayed her female characters as more distinctive, strong and
active as the one who are aware of their surroundings. Unlike other female
characters that give up their hope in critical situation the female characters
of Bapsi stood about and fight against their fates and denied agree other's
authority own them. This struggle made them matchless and exclusive from
Words: Power
of feminism, the strength of passion, the tenderness of love, lameness and
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
The present paper deals with the study of the self by the noted 20th century American author Conrad Aiken through his works, particularly his autobiographical work titled Ushant. The book is neither a fictional piece of writing nor is it an autobiography in the traditional sense of the word. Using a novelistic form the author analyzes his past under a thin disguise of fiction. Aiken believed that by writing as truthfully as one can about oneself, one experiences a sense of relief. At the same time the writer is also able to view past incidents in a better perspective.
Key words: self, autobiographical, fiction, writing, perspective
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
come across errors of the learners of the foreign language. There are many common errors by the Arabic
students who learn English. Students
make these errors mainly because there is a lot of linguistic difference
between English language and Arabic language.
In this paper, the researcher attempts to highlight the errors of the
Arabic students learning English. He
also discusses the simple teaching techniques and procedures followed in his
classes to reduce the errors of the students.
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
In this paper the focus is on the witty and humorous elements in the short stories of Khushwant Singh. As a realist and an honest writer Singh writes about a number of aspects of Indian life through which he ridicules, humourously satirizes and ironically lampoons the pretensions, weaknesses or the faults of his countrymen and their habits. Commenting on the realism in his short stories Khushwant Singh says in his essay, “Compulsions to Write”
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
was an early environmentalist who adored the natural scenes. He established a
kinship of human life with nature. Tagore’s concept of ‘romanticism’ points out
a significant role of nature in human lives. He records the acknowledgement of
a close connection of man with nature. He finds a similar responding function
of nature with human sentiments. The present paper points out how nature
becomes a part of the plot of the story and if nature’s part is removed from
the story, the story cannot be complete or it will not have the same effect on
Words- environmentalist, kinship,
romanticism, acknowledgement, connection.
VOL- 2 ; ISSUE- 4, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
Ms. Sharmistha
Basu is an Assistant Professor in English at Narula
Institute of Technology,West Bengal. She has obtained PGCTE from EFLU,
Hyderabad and presently pursuing her M.Phil from Savitribai Phule Pune
University. She has several publications in different International and
National journals. Her main area of interest is designing innovative techniques
of English Language Teaching for the benefit of the second language learners of
English. She facilitates the engineering students and inspires them to compose
articles and poems in English. She guides them in their creative works.
Ms.Yekta Roy is a 2nd Year B.Tech student of Narula Institute of Technology,
pursuing her career in Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering.
Besides academics she spends much of her time writing Poems and short stories.