VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
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VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
inequalities in India are much prevalent which lead to hamper the growth of
balanced nature of life. In India, demography indicates gender differences
include sex ratios at birth, infant and child discrimination by sex, and low
ages at marriage for women. The present paper is an attempt to focus on
empirical status of gender as a curriculum in the form of towards a world of
equals having the twin goals; gender equality and women empowerment today. It
also delves into challenges and opportunities that can be harnessed among
Indian youth as fact that India and its society has a herculean task of
empowering women to provide them the scope and to prepare them for a safe and
productive future.
Keywords: Women in
India, Problems and Issues, Gender Inequality, Modern India Problem, Teaching
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
A speech act
is an utterance that serves a function in communication such as apology,
request or compliment. The present paper is a sociolinguistic study which attempts
to investigate the compliment responses employed by Yemeni Arabic speakers. For
the purpose of the study, data were collected through the use of written
Discourse Completion Tasks (DCTs hereafter) introduced by Herbert in (1989),
with four situational settings. A total of 45 students from different
universities in Yemen participated in the study. Findings revealed that the
group employed a variation in the use of strategies responding to compliments
elicited by situational settings. In this study, the researcher tried to find
out the types of complement responses used by speakers of Yemeni Arabic
variety. Since the participants were males and females, he tried to find out
the types of compliment responses preferred by both gender. He concluded his study
by looking at the similarities and differences between males and females when
responding to compliments given in the form of questionnaire. The researcher
found out that the males and females of Yemeni Arabic variety did not use all
types of compliment response strategies such as "Comment History"
type. However, both genders preferred the "Appreciation Token" and
"Return" types of compliment response.
Keywords: compliment,
compliment response, speech acts, Yemeni Arabic speakers
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
The play Post office is written by Rabindranath Tagore in 1912 . It was first written in Bengali 1911 in Bengali language namely 'Dak Ghar '. Tagore completed the play in four days. The play concerns Amal, a child who suffers from a fatal illness. The boy is restrained to home. He is adopted by his uncle Madhav.
The post office is the most popular of all the plays of Tagore. The post office is a linkage connecting Amal with the open streets, the provinces that are beyond Amal’s stare, the hill, the river, and the mountain the constricted lane where crickets chirp, where only the stripes wag their tails and nudge at the dirt with their bills. The play holds rudiments of a anxious human drama, a stirring fairy tale and a intensely evocative spiritual symbol.
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
Heteronormativity and gender stereotyping over the course of years have succeeded in its attempt to crush the existence of any alternative gender. The patriarchal hegemonic system has denied the queers of their existence and identity by projecting the distorted images in their art and literature, thereby creating homophobia and social exclusion, often reducing them as mere uncouth beings deprived of morality, culture and dignity. The need to address the actual issues of LGBTQI folks however was made possible through Facebook posts as it ensure greater social reception and visibility. Dr. Jijo Kuriakose, Vaikhari Aryat, Muhammed Zuhrabi, Sheethal Shyam and Chinju Aswathi however subvert the hegemonic power paradigm of the heteronormative society by projecting the real queer identity and hence ensures social inclusiveness. Their posts expose the double standards and hypocrisies of heterosexual community and reveal the struggles and trauma underwent by LGBTQI community in Kerala. The study focus on issues of gender, sexuality, migration, isolation and identity crisis in the Facebook posts of select queer activists across Kerala.
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
There is a specific broad consensus among us, that we
ought to have education. Education make us to realize the importance of our
life, it teaches us the art of living in the society, we learn civility,
politeness, responsibility, generosity, tolerance etc., Educational experts and
authors stress its value to the individual, emphasizing its potential for
positively influencing students' personal development, promoting autonomy,
forming a cultural identity, or establishing a career or occupation. Other
analysts and authors emphasize education's contributions to societal purposes,
including good citizenship, shaping students into productive members of
society, thereby promoting society's general economic development, and
preserving cultural values and ethics.
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
Web based
language learning (WEB) makes the learner learn more effectively with the use
of a computer. Through web we can access a very large collection of documents, pictures,
sounds, etc stored on computers in many
different places by Internet. YouTube website is one of the most usable online
tools. It can be used to learn language
effectively these days. This paper
discusses how YouTube Language Learning Videos (LLV) in web based language
learning can be used in addition to the English language classroom for
effective language learning.
Keywords: YouTube
Language Learning Videos (LLV), Digital literacy, Internet
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
English is
the lingua franca. It is also the
official language in most of the countries.
Thus the importance of English in the present day context cannot be
denied. To learn a language and use it
effectively one must have a strong vocabulary.
But, building vocabulary is not a simple thing. One of the best ways to make it simple is by
using technology. This paper discusses
the ways in which vocabulary can be developed using visuals inside
classroom. This method would interest
them and also would reach them better.
Keywords: visuals,
vocabulary, technology.
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
Valmiki’s Joothan: A Dalit’s life is his autobiography which provides us
information about the pains of his community. Though autobiography as a
literary form delineates individual’s life, Dalit autobiography is rather
distinct experience. In this autobiography Valmiki portrays his humiliated
life; his painful story of eating leftover food to survive. He gets insulted
for leftover food just because he was born in a caste Chuhra. Since he belongs
to low caste he was suffered from caste biased mentality. Being Hindu he was
declined human rights by the so called upper caste Hindus. His school
experiences are horrid, full of pangs and unimaginable. The aim of the paper is
to study the narration of pains Valmiki had gone through.
Key words: Joothan,
Omprakash Valmiki, Pain, narration
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
This article
looks at figurations of the “chronicle “ in play Tale-Danda composed and
performed in India keeping in mind the
end goal to investigate how and to what extent ‘tradition', differently
explained as a strategy, asset, and explanatory gadget, can serve the premiums
of pluralism and non-sectarianism in a multi-religious and multicultural
society. It takes as its perspective late hostile to innovator social
scrutinizes of left-liberal scholastic talk on secularism in India that
underscore the disappointment of such exchanges to draw in with the past the
prohibitive dualistic ideal models of Enlightenment thought. Author Girish
Karnad complex discourse with the past focus on the convention of bhakti as
exemplified in progressive twelfth-century social development credited to the
lessons of the spiritualist holy person Basaveshwara, Karnad's attempt appears to soften these well- established
generalizations up request to train, lift and free customary mankind. As a
screenwriter, he is well aware of the significance of dramatic gadgets in the
plays And without a doubt, his theater has been indicated Indian show during
that time has been one of the methods for discovering as how an individual can
accomplish an ideal human existence– social, social, political, material and
profound. The establishment of energetic plays in the cutting edge Indian
Key Words: Tradition, Indian myth, religious
conviction, theater, class.
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
3.3.10 ENGLISH
Shakespeare has been able to enter every age with his
plays, poems and sonnets, he has been a great mystery from his days to today,
not only him but also his friend Christopher Marlowe and Shakespeare is still a
mystery because people find it hard for someone as Shakespeare to be a person
who would bring a great change to the world especially because he was not
allowed to continue Grammar School because he was considered weak in grammar,
also his capability to think so much about the people around him and also about
the people who are from other countries, it is no simple task to gather
information and to learn from different scholars of different nations but
Shakespeare learned with one of his greatest stronghold’s that is ‘Passion’ and
this helped him to be persistent to seek knowledge, he later did his research
and also learnt a lot from Christopher Marlowe’s plays which inspired him to
write better plays, Shakespeare while writing his plays or poems always had
fixed ‘endings’ and wrote plays according to his endings. Shakespeare from all
his works can be considered an empath in today’s world for the term empath was
not given much preference in those days.
Shakespeare's quotes have been used by most people in the world and it
teaches us not only about his experience in life but also the underlining
meaning of empathy.
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
3.3.11 ENGLISH
creative artist adopts an effective mode to give expression to the felt style.
These modes of expression vary from person to person depending upon his/her
perspective, the subject content and above all the writer’s degree of maturity
and expertise. The themes of woman’s
existence, identity and survival found prominent place in the writings of the
novelists such as Nayantara Sehgal, Shashi Deshpande and Anita Desai. Sehgal deals with man-woman relationship and
the unequal status of women in Indian Society; the long suppressed silence of
women find due voice in works of Shashi Deshpande whereas Anita Desai depicts
the psychological state of lonely women.
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
3.3.12 ENGLISH
Haider is an
ambitious film adaptation of William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet by Vishal
Bhardwaj. It is a recreation of the narrative of Hamlet in different time,
space and genre. It is a daring effort on two levels-first, adapting the most
serious tragic play of a legendry dramatist and second, executing it in the
most sensitive scenario of Kashmir where it gets new relevance and fresh
urgency. Haider, as a young man returns home to Kashmir after receiving news of
his father’s disappearance. His character has also been delineated as a scholar
and thoughtful man like Hamlet. My paper is a sincere attempt to propagate and
explore the points in Haider where we get tremendous opportunity to interpret
and reinterpret the text of Hamlet from a different perspective. Shakespeare’s
Hamlet is a play of high seriousness and Haider too maintains that seriousness
in dealing with Kashmir’s issue and Kashmiris’ dilemma. It has given vent to
the pendulating condition of the people grappling with identity crisis amid the
chaotic social and political milieu. It leaves us with a charming cinematic
experience with a pivotal intellectual exercise in an entirely distinct
cultural background. Haider jokes about the word ‘chutzpah’, mispronounced as
‘chootspaa’ and making a homophone with ‘AFSPA’ is more than a daring deed of
recreation. This film transmutes Hamlet, a disturbed soul into Haider with
unprecedented fearlessness. It is intentionally designed, seems to me, to point
its finger at the gruesome reality of the Valley. Moreover, it provides a
platform for a new perusal of the narrative of much discussed play Hamlet in
the gamut of literature and art.
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
3.3.13 ENGLISH
man himself is an animal, if we overlook the improved, polished and developed
vocal faculty he has painstakingly acquired in the course of his evolution and
his praiseworthy burning and thirsty mental qualities which he very cleverly
has used to call himself civilized human. He calls the other lives on the
planet as grocer animals, which very thinly differs in kind from the human
beings. Man has never ceased to be an integral part of the surroundings he
lives in. This is especially true to the enchanting animal world which
encompasses the whole existence of humans. Animals are an inseparable part of
human life and imagination. He has been made to live here with this world of
animals and share the bounties of life. The presence of the animals in human
mind and thought reflects itself in arts, culture, religion, literature,
science etc. which is an example of indelible impact of animal kingdom upon
human life and psyche. Literature in particular is a treasure house of the bond
between humans and animals. Indian English Literature is rapt with direct and indirect
references to the animal world. From the writings of Jim Corbett’s ‘ Man Eaters
of Kumaon’, ‘ Jungle Lore’ Rudyard Kipling’s ‘ The Jungle Book’, and Valmiki
Thapar’s writings like ‘Wild Fire’ etc. are an
apparent example. These books and writings are devoted to animal world
solely. Being an inherent part of the whole existence animals have been
partners and friends of the Homo sapiens. Here in this piece of an article we
will sincerely try to discover the physical and psychological impact and impression
of animal world in the writings of R.K. Narayan In literature animals are
represented as different and inferior to the human beings or the Homo sapiens.
Dealing with the representation of animals in literary text is broadly termed
as Zoo criticism, a branch of Ecocriticism. The term Ecocriticism implies the
close study of the environment concerns in literature and the way literature
treats the subject of environment. Zoocriticism brings before readers the novel
and not seen before images of the animal world.
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
3.3.14 ENGLISH
This paper is an attempt at exploring man’s struggle to contain primal instincts and existence of primal instincts today in human nature. For the purpose of this paper I have chosen The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson which traces the elements of primal instincts in human behavior. R L Stevenson was a prominent writer in the Victorian period.
The story of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde deals with Henry
Jekyll who is widely respected, successful and a brilliant intellect but is
only too aware of primitivism of the life that he leads and of the evil that
resides within him. Dr Jekyll covertly provides utterance to the evil in his
soul by various unspeakable acts, but is afraid of the social criticism. During
his experiments, he was able to create a concoction that enables him to free
this evil in him from the control of good self, thus giving rise to Edward
Hyde. . Both in body and soul Edward Hyde is completely different from Dr Henry
Key Words: Primal instinct, human, nature, unconscious,
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
3.3.15 ENGLISH
The play
centres on the historical figure of Mohammed-bin-Tughlaq, a Muslim king of the
Tughlaq dynasty who ruled from Delhi over large parts of Northern and Central
India during the period 1325 to 1351. The play aptly fuses history and fiction.
History, in the form of the political career of Tughlaq, forms the main plot;
fiction forms the subplot of the play in the creation of the pair Aziz and
Azam, a dhobi (washerman), and a pickpocket, respectively. The play fashions
the character of Tughlaq as an ambitious king who wants to build a grand empire
and manoeuvre his citizens to think as he does. To that end he devises the
grand schemes of transferring his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad, and
introduces a new currency system. A lover of the game of chess, Tughlaq
symbolically moves his political pawns without ethics or morality. Karnad has
portrayed Tughlaq as a secular ruler who abolished jiziya a tax on Hindus who
lived under the Muslim rule for the betterment of his people and kingdom. But,
he and his secular ideas are not understood by the people around him because
his ideals are far beyond the comprehension of his contemporaries and much in
advance of his time. The main plot enacts the fall of an ambitious autocrat in
Tughlaq, the subplot presents an ordinary dhobi manipulating for his own
benefit the schemes introduced by the king which reflects mighty power of contemporary
king, Tughlaq and his follower to the common people.
Keywords:- Mighty
Power, Secular ruler, Ambitious king.
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
3.3.16 ENGLISH
T. S. Eliot is a classicist in
literature and supports orderliness both in art and criticism. He rejects
impressionistic criticism of Arthur Symons and philosophical abstract and
intellectual criticism of Arnold. He is the critic who was a creative artist
first. He is in the tradition of English poet-critics from Sidney to Arnold. He
is one of the greatest literary critics of England. He is the most influential
critic of the modern age. He is like Dryden for most of his criticism is
written in the form of prefaces to his works with the purpose of justifying his
own poetic creations. As a critic Eliot speaks with authority and conviction.
He had the rare gift of expressing his thoughts in lucid, striking, pointed and
trenchant phrases as, “objective correlative,” “disassociation of sensibility”
and “tradition and the individual talent.” Eliot does not accept didacticism or
any other use of poetry as a necessary condition of poetic art. To him, poetry
is an amusement. He believed that the function of criticism is the elucidation
of art and the correction of taste and to bring back the poet to life. A key
concept in the criticism of Eliot is that he constantly emphasizes using
tradition as a basis for the comparison and analysis of literature.
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
3.3.17 ENGLISH
The aim of
this article is to develop writing skills of ESL learners through task-based
teaching. The classroom becomes a writing intensive course if group work is
initiated. Learners would work together in small groups on the given task.
There would be interaction among the learners at every stage of the activity.
It is also fact that task-based teaching challenges the learners, creates
interest, provides an opportunity think innovatively and motivate them practice
and involve them in task. It is also well known fact that, writing is thought
to be very complex task. This is because too many aspects are involved in it.
Hence this paper would discuss different skills and tasks essential for
developing writing skills effectively among the ESL learners.
Key Words: coherence,
cohesion, curriculum prewriting, composing, task-based teaching
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
POEM 3.2.1
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
POEM 3.2.2
A travel towards Eternity in the Boat of
Tossed up and down in Mind’s Ocean of Turbulence,
Pursuing Truth in ever evolving Consciousness,.....
VOL- 3 ; ISSUE- 3, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 2.14
3.2.3 POEM
In the
animal Kingdom, male is more powerful and attractive yet the dominant male or
leader has to prove its might periodically and has to meet the challenges of
the rivalry and environmental hazards. It should maintain its vigor and valor
throughout to be the king of the females. It should be the protector of its
kingdom as well. The prime duty of the female is reproduction and to obey the
customs of the kingdom. This rule is applicable from ant to elephant. But the
crucial part of the female is, at times it is mercilessly killed or its cub is
brutally annihilated by a new king or dominant male of a group if it is unable
to fulfill the expectations of the new leader. Every year hundreds of female beasts
died pathetically because of its inability, or in other words by the arrogant
atrocity of the dominant males merely for lust.
Recently I
witnessed a female king cobra which was brutally massacred and swallowed by its
new mate; unable to swallow the whole, the new male vomited and moved away
without guilty conscious or repentance. When the scientists inspected the
female; it has had fourteen eggs in its womb. It was pregnant and was unable to
fulfill the lust of the new mate. It was ready to hatch the eggs for incubation.
King cobras are enlisted under rare species list. This pathetic incident moved
me a lot and this poem is dedicated to such helpless female community in total
which still survives with awful agony in spite of having great powers to
restore and resurrect.